1st Hire, 188 Martin Way, Morden, LO, SM4 4AJ, rent other machinery not elsewhere classified

U.K Business Directory London List of United Kingdom Company

1st Hire

Company Name: 1st Hire
Status: Active
Region: London
Post: SM4 4AJ
County: Surrey
Town: Morden
Address: 188 Martin Way,
Phone: +44 (0) 2085-406161
Fax: +44 (0) 2085-406111
Email: M.S.Taylor@1sthire.com
Contact Proprietor: Mr M S Taylor
Web site: www.1sthire.com
SIC code: 7134 Industry group: Renting Machinery & Equipment, Business category: Rent Other Machinery Not Elsewhere Classified
Employees: 2 to 5
Overall: 1st Hire is a business categorized under rent other machinery not elsewhere classified, which is part of the larger category renting machinery & equipment. 1st Hire is located at the address 188 Martin Way, in Morden, London SM4 4AJ. The Proprietor is Mr M S Taylor who can be contacted at 2085-406161.
Description: Tool & Equipment Hire
  • Building equipment hire service
In summary:
  • Very good customer service, good price and good quality machines.
  • Great store, good prices and helpful staff.
  • He is very kind, professional and extremely helpful.
Recommended: Yes: 0 No: 0Click here to Inform about a mistake 34 Rating: Edit profile

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Name: P.D.P.P.
Message: 1st Hire Morden.. We would like to thank you, 1st Hire in Morden, for the excellent and very professional service. We have used them many times over the years. The most recent one was when we hired the floor sander and the hedging sander to redo our wooden floor. A particular thank you to Jason, who works in the shop at 188 Martin Way. He is very kind, professional and extremely helpful.. We couldn't recommend this place more. We will definitely use them again! Please feel free to look at the images before and after our DIY wooden floor work.
Name: D.C.
Message: Great service. I recently had blocked drains in my flat. Gents at 1st hire offered me the perfect kit and talked me through the job. I sorted out my problem in less than an hour, without calling a plumber or drain specialist, at a fraction of the cost for a drain snake hire!
Name: D.C.
Message: Great store, good prices and helpful staff.
Name: S.P.
Message: Very helpful, prompt delivery. Great service.
Name: A.L.
Message: Very good customer service, good price and good quality machines. Recommended.
Name: M.P.
Message: Very good prices and availability.
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