Kings Locksmith Kilburn, 218b Belsize Rd, London, LO, NW6 4DJ, other service activities

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Kings Locksmith Kilburn

Company Name: Kings Locksmith Kilburn
Status: Active
Region: London
Post: NW6 4DJ
County: GreaterLondon
Town: London
Address: 218b Belsize Rd
Phone: +44 (0) (203)633-1389
Contact Owner: Lee France
Web site:
SIC code: 93000 Industry group: Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities, Business category: Other Service Activities
Overall: Kings Locksmith Kilburn is a business categorized under other service activities, which is part of the larger category sports activities and amusement and recreation activities. Kings Locksmith Kilburn is located at the address 218b Belsize Rd in London, London NW6 4DJ. The Owner is Lee France who can be contacted at (203)633-1389.
Description: Kings Locksmith Kilburn is a professional locksmith service offering residential, automotive, and commercial locksmith services. We’ve served the area for several years with our unparalleled lock and key services helping out homeowners and business owners alike to keep their properties safe. At New Peters Springfield Locksmith, we offer service 7am-12am to cover your needs. At Kings Locksmith Kilburn , we’re fully licensed, bonded, and insured in order to guarantee nothing but the best locksmith services your money can buy. We hire experienced professional locksmiths with the skills to service anything from a standard door lock to an encrypted automotive lock. Of course, we also offer commercial locksmith services ranging from simple lock and key replacements to advanced, high-tech, high-security electronic access control systems.
Working hours: Mon - Sun: 08:00 AM - 11:00 PM

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