Company Name: 07946209476
Status: Active
Region: London
Post: WC2A 1HL
County: Greater London
Town: London
Address: 25 Southampton Buildings
Phone: +44 (0) 07946209476
Email: citylawtutor@protonmail.com
Contact Owner: Admin Team
Web site: https://citylawtutor.co.uk
Overall: 07946209476 is a business categorized under education, which is part of the larger category security and investigation activities. 07946209476 is located at the address 25 Southampton Buildings in London, London WC2A 1HL. The Owner is Admin Team who can be contacted at 07946209476.
Description: City Law Tutor is a boutique law tutoring firm that specialises in expert law tuition, professional training, and research in a variety of legal and law-related areas. We can match you with the perfect tutor to meet your individual requirements, whether it is exam preparation, tuition in a difficult subject, or help with providing comments on how to improve essays. We have law tutors that are proficient in all areas of law.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/City-Law-Tutor-104166422087298
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CityLawTutor00
Working hours: 24/7
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