1st Airports Express Cars, 104A Gloucester Road, London, LO, SW7 4RH, other support air transport

U.K Business Directory London List of United Kingdom Company

1st Airports Express Cars

Company Name: 1st Airports Express Cars
Status: Active
Region: London
Post: SW7 4RH
County: London
Town: London
Address: 104A Gloucester Road
Phone: +44 (0) 2078-350477
Fax: +44 (0) 2078-350477
Email: Ahmad.Abdallah@1stchoiceuk.com
Contact Proprietor: Mr Ahmad Abdallah
Web site: www.1stchoiceuk.com
SIC code: 6323 Industry group: Supporting & Auxiliary Transport, Business category: Other Support Air Transport
Employees: 11 to 25
Overall: 1st Airports Express Cars is a business categorized under other support air transport, which is part of the larger category supporting & auxiliary transport. 1st Airports Express Cars is located at the address 104A Gloucester Road in London, London SW7 4RH. The Proprietor is Mr Ahmad Abdallah who can be contacted at 2078-350477.
Description: Airport Transfer & Transportation Services
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