London Clubs International, Head Office, 10 Brick Street, London, LO, W1J 7HQ, gambling & betting activities

U.K Business Directory London List of United Kingdom Company

London Clubs International

Company Name: London Clubs International
Status: Active
Region: London
Post: W1J 7HQ
County: London
Town: London
Address: Head Office, 10 Brick Street
Phone: +44 (0) 2075-180000
Fax: +44 (0) 2074-956919
Contact Manager: Ms M Slater
Web site:
SIC code: 9271 Industry group: Recreational Cultural & Sport, Business category: Gambling & Betting Activities
Employees: 200+
Overall: London Clubs International is a business categorized under gambling & betting activities, which is part of the larger category recreational cultural & sport. London Clubs International is located at the address Head Office, 10 Brick Street in London, London W1J 7HQ. The Manager is Ms M Slater who can be contacted at 2075-180000.
Description: Casinos
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